Humiliation before Iuftification. Chri fl promif es that He would fend His Spirit into the world, and three great workes the Spirit fhould doe (which were wrought by the miniflery of the Apoffles) he fhould Convince the world of finne, and of Righteonfneye, and of lodgement. Firft, he faith of Sinne, Recaufe they have not beleeved in me; marke that, there were many other finnes that the H o L Y G H o s r convinced them of, but the contempt of the Gofpell, the not taking of Chriff offered, that is the maine finne. And the HOLY GHOST (hall convince men of this finne.All the men of the world cannot doe ir. Wee may tell you long enough of particular finnes, you have done thefe and thefe fins, fworne fuch oathes, defiled your (elves with fuch abominations, and yet all will come to nothing; but when the Spirit fets in, and makes a man f cnfible of (inne, that workes to purpofe. Then it followes in the method, He fhall convince the world of righteouf- ne ffe, becaufe I am rifen again and gone to the Father : he (hould teach that there is another Righteoufncfi'e, in me,by which you muff be juftified : when you fee no righteoufneffe in your fclves, then the HO L Y G H o s r (hall thew you the righteoufiaefï'e that I have wrought. But how will this appeare In that I am dead and rifen againe, and gone to my Father, whereby it is declared that I am righteous,. that I have overcome death, and fatisfied My Fathers Iu. (lice. And then when that is done, be (hall convince the world of Lodgement, that is, of holineff'e,for fo the word is there ufed, that is, when the Prince of this world-fhall be judged. Satan raignes in the hearts of men, in the children of difobedience, till they bee juitified 9 SÉRM.I. a Couviaion by the Spirit.