Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

the Commons-heufeof Parliament. 1` 27t Arke of God was taken, that amazed him, fo that he fell from his feat and brake his necke. Confider this, and know, that it is required that you be zealous for the Church. Let our Gallants confider this, that care not how things 'goe. And thofe that will have the Church negligently regarded, let them confider that a curfe abides him who doth the works of the Zeale for =he L o x rs negligently. And know, that though the i59 «CheP- urch LORD be angry with his Church, as mama times he tal tc to is, yet your zeale on its belhalfe your prayers for it, God 'leveri , ' s y P Y When hee. your coil: upon it, your labour about it, yea, whatfoe- is angry ver you do for it, is acceptable to God even then when with her.' he is angry with it, when hee afllifs it. David was angry with v4bfalom, loab makes a fuit to him to call home his banifhed,though David was angry with Ab- falorn, yet Dabs fuite to David was very acceptable, he could not have come of a better meffage. So you cannot doe a more acceptable worke, than to feeke for the Churches good, and to pray for its profperity. It is true indeed, the Lord will take care of his Church, and they that be enemies to it faall not be gainers; as Zachary 12. S. They that feeke to hurt the Church ! It is dart- ] of G o D, Chaff bee a4 a company of Sheaves that goe serous to wron'the about to fuppre fe a Cole -of fire, which Jball conjume them cht,h. 411. And they that goe about todevoure the Church, (hall be like a man that thinkes to devour a cup of poi - !' fon, but by it is killed himfelfe, or like a man that goes about to throw up a {lone that is too heavy for him, which falls back,and crufhes him to powder. All there expreffliions there bee in that Chapter. It is true hee will not aft away the care of his Church, Iiee will defend it againft them that oppofe it but in tl e meane