Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

272 l Sermon Preached before , nreanc time, if you doe not your part, you íhall foie your glory, nay, you íhall. be guilty Of Negligence, which will bring a Curie with it upon you. Direction` But you will fay, What would you have us to doe what wee for it á mua} doe anfwer, the , We muff confider the Church abroad, Church. and at home. Abroad. For the Churches abroad we will not prefcribe un- to you sny particular dire&ion, onely we willcom- mend to you this general], That you fecke their fafety and prefervation, and the propagation of religion a- mong them,with all care and intention,as you (hall fee occafions and circumilances to require. At home But for the Church at home, you fee the Lo R D hath begun to make a breach upon us. And as it is in Ezek. 22. 30. Hee pekes for a man among us that may "land in the Gap. It is well done that you have gone fo farre, as you have, but remember that it is a thing that the Lord de- fires. And know withall,that the Lord markes what every man doth for his Church, he obferves who is zealous, and who fits ail], he takes notice who dotty nothing, who doth fomcthing, and how much every man Both : As Maf. 3.16. The Lord harkened, and heard, and a Rooke of Remembrance vas written. The Lord harkens and heares what every man fpeakes,what eve. ry man Both, yea, to what end, with what heart; how his Church is thought upon. Confider this therefore, that you may be ffirred up to do more. You will fay,What would you have us to do morcr I will commend thefe three things unto you, and fo conclude this point: Flrfl, B aonccr- ning the Church at home ;. things are commen- ded to eö- Gderation.