Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

the Commons -houfe of Parliament. Firff, doe as Phineas is in the Text Paid to doe, the thing he did to turne away the wrath of the Lord was, executing of judgement in the punifhment of Zimri and costei that had committed that great finne. And marke this , when Phineas began to ftirre, the Lord ceafed to iirive. And know, that the L o ir D re. gards not fo much what the particular fins of a N ati on or Church are, as what the ac`kion, the behaviour, the cariage of the State towards them is. Doubtlefie the a1ion of both the Houles of Parliament declaring their zeale both now and heretofore, hath been a great meanes of turning away the Lords wrath, and will be more and more, if you dot fo more and more. This is a thing I cannot baulke,feeing the Text calls me on it ; that this zeale of Phineas, this aá of his in punifh- ing fin turned away the Lords wrath. You will fay, what thing, fhould we punifh e Three things, Firfl,Whoredome : you fee here the people committed whoredome,as it is plainly mentio- ned by the Apoflle. Be not yce fornicators as lime of them were, and fell in one day fe many thoufands. Another fin was Idolatry, they joyned themfelves with Baal-Peor. And there is a third fin,not mentioned here,but is as frequently mentioned by the Prophets, to have a hand in common judgements as any other, and that is In- juflice; when righteoufnefle is turned into Hemlocke, and judgement into worme-wood ; that is a thing that mull bee remembred among the reff. Indeed there ! may bee miflakes in the adminifiration of Iuflice, which through ignorance and the not perfec} know- ledge of a caufe may be fallen into; but the Injuflice, T that 2.73 Execution of Iudge- ment. Specially againft three things: r. Whore- d ome, z. Idola- try. 3. Infu- Ytice,