Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

274 2 Contenti- on for. the Faith. A Sermon Preached before that turnesrighteoufhefhe into worme -wood, as I faid before, mull be rernembred,andthat is,either Bribery, or that refpe(ing of perfons in Iudgemcnr, which is equivalent thereunto, and will come in among the refl. I hefe be finnes, the punilhment whereof turnes away the wrath of the Lord. Therefore remember thefe in particular, and confider what it is to (pare in this cafe; Saul was loft by fparing ..4gag : and remember what Elijah gained, 'and iehu gained by being zealous. Tl?e manner we will wholly leave to you, only, be zealous for the Lord. The fecond thing you muftdoefor the Church, to turne away the Lo R DS wrath,is,to contend for that which maintaines the Church, I meane, Faith; main - taine that which maintaines you, preferve that which preferves you,the whole Church and Dingdome. We will therefore commend to you,that of dude, z exhort you, faith he, that you contend for the faith which was once given to the Saints : Marke it, you are to contend carnally, for fo much the word implies, herein we are to be contentious men. The very example of our ad- verfaries may teach us to contend for the Truth,if we confider, how they contend for the contrary; if we obferve what unity there is among them, what joynt confent in oppofing the Truth. Again remember what you are to contend for, it is for Faith, for the whole dotrine of Faith, every jot whereof is precious,and it is the Faith that was once given to the Saints. As if he had faid, looke to it, if youlofe it, it (hall be re- covered no more. C x it r s T willnot come againe from H °aven to deliver this point of DoElrine. And againe, it was once delivered to the Saints, for To which we thoutd be provo- k:d by the prattiCe of her ene- mies.