Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

the Commons-houfe of Parliament. 275 for what ' Certainely to bee kept as we keepe Pearles and Jewels, that it may not fuller the leatt detrment. And let no man fay he bath nothing to doe to with this, for it is the common faith which every man bath to doe with: you know in common things wherein every man hath intereft, every man is ready to main- tame his right. Confider this, and Band for the whole Faith, for all the doctrine of Faith, and know, that thefe are matters of exceeding great moment; all that we have laid before of the punifhment of Injuflice, Whoredome, Idolatry, and Superflition, &c. is not fo much as this; for a man may turne afide to thefe fins, and yet have a right judgement,but fo long as the judgement is perverted, the foule is irrecoverable. Againe, there arc of exceeding great confequence, for what Eiifha did with the Syrians, who when they thought they were led to the man whom they fought to take, were brought into Samaria to be taken; the fame falls out where there is an.errour of faith : that which men thinke builds them up unto the Kingdome of God, leads them to that which will be their deftru- ion. Therefore contend for the Faith,for the whole ddtrine of Fairh,for every point of Faith,and remem- ber to contend for it earneftly. The third and lait action that we will commend un- Advance- to you,is this,Labour to do that moft which will molt ment of glorifie God, that is,endeavour to letup a learned Mi- the M'n;' niftery in the Land and Church : you know it is a great complaint, My people perifb for want of knawlea''ge; and who are they that perifh LMi. 20.28. Eventhe flocke that God hash purchafd with his owne blond. And at whole hands muff it be required ' Ir is true, T 2 we