Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

276 By letting a Candle in every Candle - flicke. By kee- i ping out ¡ dogs that will de. voure. 4 Sermon Preached before wee are the Vines that beare the Grapes, but you are the Mmes that mull hold up the Vines. It is true, wee are the Shepheards to defend the flocke, but it mull bee your care to fee that every flocke have a Shepheard.Is it not a lamentable thing to fee how ma- ny perifh for want of knowledge in Wales, in the Northerne Countries, and in many places beaks. Is it not your part t6 take care and labour as farre as you may, that every Candle(Iicke may have a Candle fet in it to give light e That every Parifh may have an able Preaching Minifler. It is true, every Pa- rifh cannot bee provided for alike; Starres are of dif- ferent magnitudes, fome Starres are greater, fome are Ietfer, fome Starres Thine not at all, fome a- gaine íhine in another Hemifphere, and not in our owne, fome Thine like Meteors for a little time, and then difappeare againe: let it bee your care, that all Starres that are in the Firmament of the Church, I meane thole that arc to difpence the myfleries of falvation, may (though weakely yet) like true Stars Thine. Thefe things we muff commend to your care, onely remember this , you know the wrong that is done to the flocke, if dogges bee fuffered among them, therefore let them bee removed; J meane thole that endeavour to put out the light, that fo they may the better prevaile, and teach their doc tines of dark. neffe. As when the day is done, the beali wanders a_ broad; and doe not we finde it foamongft use For where loth Popery abound fo much, as in the darke places of the Kingdome e I befeech you confider this and be zealous. I fhould have added more,but fomuch (hall ferve for the third point, The