Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

the Commons-houle of Parliament. 277 The other I will but name; and indeed I will the ra- ther name them, though I doe no more, becaufe they follow fo one upon another. You haveheard that Gods anger brings all evill, that fin is-the caufe of that anger, that it is zeale that turnes away that anger. Now Fourthly it follower, that if you be not zea- lous, his jealoufie Thal! grow hotter, it fhallencreafe more and more. The very word Iealoufie bath fome- thing in it;; when the Lord lookes on a Church or Na- tion,the loffe of their affc&ion breeds *a:jealoufie,,which is intended more and more, if there be not care to pre - vent it. Therefore when the Lord is jealous, he fends fome token of his jealoufie; as when a man flrikes,weknow he is angry; fo when the Lord fends a Plague among us, we mapeonclude -he is angry. When a meffenger comes, the fooner he bath his anfwer the fooner he is gone, but he will flay till he hath his anfwer: and will the Lord fend his meffenger in vaine Doth he not fend it for an anfwer: And what is the anfwer the Lord looks for;' That you Fait and Pray,and humble your (elves, and turne from your evillwayes,and be zealousfor his fake. What elfe is the end of all his judgements " Are they not as medicines, or plaiflers to heale a Church, ora Nation or a particular perfon e They will flick on till the fore be healed, but when it is healed they will fall off: fo you fhäll findthere judgments of the Lord, as long as we remain unreformed they will nick by us, till we be healed the playfler will continue. Therefore are thofe phrafes in Scripture, his hand is flretched out fill and Hill; as in Dent.ti $.Till we healed,he will not make an end of correfling; he is now as it were engaged; T 3 and 4 G en erall point If we be nut zealous , Gods jea- loufie grower hotter: And his meffenger mull have an anfwer. Deut. a8. =s.