Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

a78 A Sermon Preached before and you know when a man is engaged to proceed in a thing, he mull go on till he bath brought it to an iffuc, elfe it will be counted ra(hneffe 3 and doe you thinke the Lord will turne from his wrath now it is begun, unleflé we give him an expected iffue r It cannot be. Meanes to What (hall we then doer The way to flop his flop his wrath is. to (land in thç ßap; when a breach is made in to H wrath is and in the Sea, or in tItiver, aslong as the breach continues, the gap, the waters coin; 'in the Land,: the way to pie vent further inixnJati a, to make up the breach. This Plague is but ä gap;* ew may yet f}and in the gap and flop it : you fee- wf atWine did here alone, and it is much what one man may doe ; therefore let every man for his owne part l},hnble himfelfe for his owne fins, let him turne from them, andbe zealous with God by prayer, by fìtriving and contending wllrhim ; for there be but two wayes to Band in the gap,onc is faith - Which full and fervent Prayer, the other is Zcale againfi fin, `I conails 'n and in defence of that which is good. I will fa no faithful' g y prayer. more of this (foi I doe but name the point) only re- member, that except you doe thus, this jealoufie of God (hall goe on, grow upon us, and wax hotter and hotter. 5 New the lafi point of all is this, that the effeel of General( this jealoufie (if it goes on) fhall be utter deflru lion; therefore (ayes the Text, Thai confumeithem not in point, Tea. the moíl my jealoufie as if he had faid,elferny jealoufie fhould part fhall have gone, and that jealoufie fhould have gone on, and proceed to that jealoufie fhould have beene confulion. It is yet utter de- flruftion. but a Plague,the Land is yet fafc (wherein you may fee the Lords great patience, and long fuffering ;) but if fomething be not done, if this jealoufie of his be fuf- feted