Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

the Cornmons_houefe of Parliament. 279 fered to goe on, if nothing be done to preventits fur- ther progreffe, his wrath will end in utter deflru Lion ; you know I need not tell you, how neare we were to this deftru&ion in Eighty eight,the Gunpowder.Trea- fon we were brought much nearer ; the Axe was then laid to the root : this was twice. I will fay thus much unto you, take heed of the third time. The Lo R D fayes, well, let the Tree (land yet awhile longer, let no more blówes be yet given it, that,I may fee if it will bring forth any n o eirt : ivt as I laid (and re- member it) take heed of, ttietb rfmq,; the Lord hath appointed fin to deftruEtion, a weds your exe- cution of it. I will put yot itsretiiembrance of the (tory of 4hab and Benhadad, It were good that you would reade the whole florioit Kings 2 o. 26. you know what was Benhadads behaviour to him 3 the Lord delivered him into his hand, he offered him what he would have, he entred into Covenant with him, fpared him, and fent him away ; but you (hall fee what meffage was Pent afterwards, Becaufe thou haft fpared him that was appointed for deftrué}ion,, therefore fhall thy life goe for hie life. Sinne is now in your hands, let it not efcape execution ; I doe not fpeake particularly of punifhment, that I leave to you, to doe according to your wifdome, and according to juítice, according to difcretion and obfervance of all circumftances. Only I fay this to you, be zealous, and remember, yea, let it remaine with you as an irrever- fable truth, that this jealoufie of Gods, if it goes on, will be deftru Lion. Therefore, learne hence to ferre; fecurity is like a Calme before an Earthquake: you ,know it is raid of T 4 Laì11i, Twe great deliveran- ces wee have harf: Beware the third time. The ílory of Abab is eon tsfd e- table to; this p r- p ofe. To fiare.