Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

284 Dependance of the 3bords. SEam. L what goes before, that you may fee the (cope of the ----- Apofle in thefe words. In the thirteenth and fourteenth verfes of this Chap- ter the Apoftle tels them that he was ill ufed by thetfi; So we of you (faith he) thinke ive are no better than out of our wits. It is no matter, whether we are in our wits, or out of our wits, yet we muff goe through the work of the Miniftery, of the Gofpell committed to us for Chrifts fake, that is, we looke not to you, It is the love of Christ that confiraineth ass, we can doe no other wife. When he had Paid this, he gives the reafon why the love of Chrift carryed him along to doe this duty, whether he had wages or not, whether he had good report or not, yet for the love of Chrift he did it : For (faith he) we thus judge,that if one died forall,then were all dad, that jhey that live fliould not henceforth live to themfelves, b to him that died for them : As if he had Paid, Is there not reafon that we Mould thus negleEt our felves for Chrift, feeing he died for this end, that we Mould no longer live to our felves, but to him,-that is, he bath bought us at a deere rate; therefore wee fhould no longer make our felves our end, but we mull live to him, we muff thinkewhat Chrift would have us doe, what worke he will fet us abour. Now when he had Paid this, heinfilethin one par - ticular,wherein he fheweth that he did not live to him - felfe, but to Chrift: Wherefore, henceforth we know no man after the fie); no not Chrift Himfelfe,thatis,we doe not regard any man for any outward refpels, we doe not magnifie any man for any outward honour and excellency that he bath. Againe, we doenot vilifie any man,for the want of any