Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Vependance of the löords. 285 any outward excellencies, but we magnifie every man as he excels in grace : yea, Chrift himfelfe,though he had outward excellencies, as other men, yet we love him now only in fpirituall refpeets, as he is our Media- tour; we behold now every thing according to the Spirit. Now, when he had gone thus farre, he drawes this conclufion : Therfore if any man be in Chrifllet him be a New Crea- ture.] As if he fhould lay, this is a confequence that muft needs follow. If this' be true that Chrift died, that every man that lives should live to him; then if any man will have part in Chrift, if any man think he have any intereft in him to be juftifiedby him, he muft be another man than he was before, hemtifi be a New Creature, he muff know no man nor thing after the fle(h, he mull live to the Lord, and not to himfelfe, in all things. So that now he drawes it from himfelfe, and raifeth it to a more high and generali conclufi- on : it is required,faith he, of every man living, that, if he be in Chrifl, he mull be a New Creature, that is, het muft put off- himfelfe altogether, he muff be no more the lime man he was., he muff lay a. fide himfelfe, and put on Chrift Iefus, he muff be made like him. We will not Hand longer to open the words, be icaufe we fhall doe that in the handling of the feverall points that shall bedelivered to you out of them. And firft we will take this plaine point that the words af. ford us. That Sandi fication mull needs follow luf ifisatio». Or, if you will, take it in the words that are laid dowse in the Text, Whatfoever is in Christ, that is,, whofoever will be.juftified by Chrift, muff havea new Nature created Doti. Iufiificati- on,and Sanftifica. Lion are infepa. rabic,