Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

( 286 I SEert.I. r How San - aification rifeth from Iuftificati- Otr. I By the worke of the Spirit. luftification and Sanctification is feparable. created in him by God ; for that is the meaning of it, whofoever is in Chrift mull be made anew man, he muff have another Nature,which is created in him by G o D, that is intimated by this word Creature. Now in the handling of this point, we will do there two things : Firfl, we will Phew how Sanc4ification arifeth from Iuftification, becaufe that is the maine (cope for which we chofe this Text. Secondly, we will thew you the rcafonswhy they are infeparable, why the one muff needs follow the other, and then further open this Datrine to you,that whofoever is in Chrift, muff have a new Nature crea- ted in him by God. The firft thing that we have todoe is to Phew you how San&tification arifeth from Iuftification, and it hath a double rife. The one is from the Spirit that is infufed into us prefently after we are jufhfied, or at the fame time,on. ly there isa difference in the order of Nature. Secondly, it arifeth from fomeactionswrought in the minde, whereby a man comes to this conclufion; If Chrift have accepted me for his, if he be mine, and will juflifie me, and free me frommy fins, then ?will ferve him in all things. For the firft, as Toone as any man hath taken Chrift, and received that Righteoufnefïe of his by Faith,there is an union betwcene Chrift and him, upon this union the Spirit of Chrift is flied into him, Gal. 4.6. BecauJe you are fins, God bath Tint the Spirit of his Son intoyou; that is, as footle as you receive him, you have thefame Spirit fent into your hearts that dwells in Chrift: and fo