Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

How San c` Iification arifetb from licaificatioil. 287 fo Gal. 5.2. Received you the Spirit by the workes of the Lary, or by the hearing offaith preached ? That is, by hearing the doctrine of Faith : I fay,as Toone as a man is jufti(ìed, he receives the Spirit. So likewife, R0.8.9. You are not in the fleJb, but in the fpirit, &c. and he that bath not the Spirit of Chrift is none of his, that is, as Toone as we are juflified, God fends the Spirit of his Sonne into us, and if any man have not the the Spirit of Chrift, he is not yet juftified. And the ltke you have Rom. 6. z. when fome had made this objection, If grace abound, why doe we not ûnne the more, that grace may more abound A The Apoftle faith, It is im- pofì'ible that thofe that are dead to finne, Jhould live any longer therein; as if he fhould fay, Seta fide all your carnali reafonings, it is impoffible for him that is dead to fin,to live yet therein; how can he As if he fhould fay, Whofoever is in Chrift, the Spirit of Chrift is fent into his heart, that mortifies fin fo, that he cannot live any more in ir, there is fuch a change wrought in him, he is a New Creature,if he be once in Chrifl; that is the firfi rife, as Toone as we are juflified, the Spirit of Chrift is fent into our hearts. But is not the Spirit fent into our hearts before, when he workes faith e It is true, but the meaning is, when we are once in Chrift, the Spirit of Sandtification is flied more plen- tifully, and in a greater degree than before, for there is a certaine worke of the Spirit that begetteth faith, and the fame worke of the Spirit, in its time, begetteth the degrees of Sanctification. But now, that this maynotbe in notion only, we will Phew you, how the Spirit workes this,that you may Object?. 4nfw.