Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

288 How SanE7ifiication SE$M.1. may not think thcfe to be things carryed in clouds, and to have place only in our undcrflandings, but that you may know it in the experience, that every man finds in himfelfe, that after he bath taken Chrift, there is in- deed fuck a Spirit flied in his heart that changeth him. For the underflanding of this know, that when we come to invite men to come in to Chrift (as it is all our bufnefle to invite men to the mariage) all the world {lands out, and every man gives that anfwer that they did in the Gofpell, they have bought Farmes, and ma- tied Wives; every man is fo Let on there outward things, that his carnali heart carrieth him to, that they will not hearken to us,fo that we may preach in vaine: you fee to how many Chrift himfelfe preached in vaine, and Apoí #les had preached in vaine, if there had beene no more than their owne preaching. So likewife, now the Spirit is fern into the hearts of men, that when we come and invite men to come in to Chrift, the Spirit alto fecretly compels them to come in. We are indeed bidden to compel! men to come in, but unlefl'e there be another compeller, that is, except there be the Spirit within to doe it, the worke is not done,unlcfi'e there be two compellers at the fame time, the Holy Ghofl within preaching to your hearts, when we preach to your cares; except there be two callers, that when we call men, the Lord fends his Spirit to call you too, it is in vaine: And that you may under- hand this, you muff know that it is as hard a thing to move a man to leave his pleafures, and divers lufls,and his vaine converfation as to turne the whole courfe of nature,(which Icall theinfiin61 that God bath put into every creature, to move that way that it goeth,as the water The Spirit compels ment come M. Converfi on of men ¿as the tur- yning the "courfe of mature.