Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

290 How Sanctification Ss R. I. for any man in the world to doe it. Or, put the cafe he could doe fo, it mutt bee after long reafoning, but to doe it upon the fudden, and at one Sermon, as the Spirit fometimes doth, to take one word and by it to change the heart of man, it muff needs be the worke of an Almighty Power. Therefore in the 2 Cor. 3. Chap. and the laí} verf. when the Apoflle fpeakes ofthis great changc,he faith, when wee reade or heare the Word, fee there the Image of God, as one Teeth his face in a glafre, and are changed into it from glory to glory, that is, from one , glorious degree to another; but how is this donee Ir is done,faithhe,by thespirit of the Lord. As if he Mould fay, it is impoffible for a man to bee turned into the glorious Image of God. A man may as well fäy,I will make a Clod of earth a fhining Starre, as to fay he can make the carnali and dead heart of man to be like.the Image of God : It mutt bee the Spirit of God him- felfe that mutt doe it, it is a worke above Nature :'ii is therefore done by the Spirit, which doth enlighten the underf}anding, and to bow the will, that whereas before there was in man fuch a firong appetite, fuch a flrong propenfity to ill, fuch a ftrong inclination that would overweigh all the reafon that would bed brought to the contrary,when the Spirit bath wrought this worke, there is lucha contrary inclination, fuch a propenfneffe to G o D, and to that which is good, that it over ballanceth all the Temptations that the world, the fleth,and the Devi11 can lay againfi it. Is not this a mighty Power thn mull doe this e That whereas there was in a man before fuch a f}rorg inclination to finne, there is a difpofition fo contrary now