Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

arifeth from Iufiification, now, fuch a defire wrought in him, fuch a ftrong, SE R. I. impreffion that carries him to God, to Cu R I s r, and to holineffe, that let all the reafons in the world be brought to thecontrary, they cannot keep him off. But you will fay, thefe things that you fpeake are ß,e0 wonderful) things, how (hall wee have this wrought in us r By being in C H R I S T this wonder is wrought e/l nfw. in us, when a man is once ingrafted into C H R I S T , when hee bath once received him, this great worke is wrought in him in his heart, hee is made a New Creature. But if you adde to this the fécond way of railing this Sanäi &cation from our Yuftification, then you will underhand it yet more fully and diflindly. There are certaine actions wrought in our fouls,by which this Sani5tification followes Iuttification, and thofe are thefe. Firft, when a man feeth great reafon for it,for when z, By cer -' a man is once convinced of a thing, that it is belt for tame at-h. him to doe it hee takes a refolution to him to per- ons in the mind and forme it. Now when a man bath beene humbled, heart, and knowet$rDvhat finne is, when hee hath had his which are heart prepared, when he comes in once to take Chrift, t e of eets the that is, when he feeth his owne bafeneffe, and Chrifts Spirit in excellency; what he was without Chrift, and what he ='von hath by Chrift, that when. he expe led nothing but the under- death,then the Gotpell came and faid.Thou íba1 live : handing. when bee feeth that Chrift deales with him after this manner,then he thinkes furely, it is good reafon that i fhould ferve him,before indeed we thinke his fervice to be an hard fervice, and we doe with himias people that V 2 are 191