Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

292 SER M. I. Z.Vpon the affe. dills. How SanE i fcation are under a tyrannous King,they refute to obey filch an one;ro doth the world with Iefus Chriff; they think his Law to be an hard Law written with blond, and they think him to be an hard Governour, -fìtch a King as they know not how to be fubje61 unto: But when a man is once convinced by the Spirit, when he fees rea. fon for it,when he is perfwadedthat wall govern him for his wealth, that Chritt bath fuffred for him, and freed him from the wrath of God, then he thinks thus; there is reafon that I thould fuffcr him to rule o- ver me,âand when a man feeth realon for it, he comes then willingly to fubmit himfelfe to Chriif. This is the work of the Spirit, whereby he perfwades a man that there is reafon for ir, and it isarrributed to the Spi- rir,toh, r 6.The Spirit convinceth of in,of righteoufnes,and o f julgement,that is it fhewes us that we are finfull, and that there is a righteoufnrífe in Chi-ill to beak that. And thirdly,it . onvinceth us that there is reafon fcr it,why we fhould ferve God in fanaificario and judg- ment. The meaning of the word, He ¡hall convince, is that the Spirit fhewes us reafon why we fhould em- brace Sanctification, and ferve the Lord Li all things : Now when the heart of man is brought to this, to fee iron and equity in this, then a man rakes refoiut<ion to cleave to Chriff,to ferve him. Secondly,as he dealer with the reafon, fo he Both likewife with the afE ions, for he begets love in us, which love fancifieth us, it lets us on worke, and turnes the whole heart, as the Rudder turnes the Ship, for it fits in the Sterne of a mans Soule, and the reafon (that when we are juflified we love Chriif) is, becaufe when as before a man magnifieth him_ (elfe,