Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

arifeth from lufiification, felfe,fetting himfelfe at an high rate,like a virgin that is coy and curious,thinking no man good enough for her: now the Law comming and convincing him of the need he Bands in of Chrifl, and fhewing him what he is in himfelf,he is hereupon content to marry with the Lord Chr : Nay further,the Spirit of God not only fhewes him the need that he Bands in of an husband, he being not under covert,and deeply in debt, the whole weight of his debt lying on himfelfe, but it goes further, and fliewes him the beauty of chrifl, as ioh. r 4. 21. To him that loves me I will mani fell my felfe; that is,I will de- clare my beauty, and when the Spirit fhewes Chrifi to the Soule, it makes it in love with him. We may thew him to you an hundred times over,and yet beget not this affection in you,but the Spirits (hew- ing is effedual to that end,and when you love him,you mutt needs pleafe him in all things, it being the care of the married Wife to pleafe the Husband. So that whçn the heart is prepared by humiliation, and takes Chrift,love is wrought in the Soule and love fan1ifies ; for Sandi &cation is nothing elfe but a let - ting our felves apart from common ufes, and keeping of the heart clofe to God,making it peculiar to him,and this love makes us to do : when the wife loves the hus- band,fhe w ill be his altogether,fhe wilbe only to him, fhe will be divorced from all Adulterers, and have no- thing to doe with them s and thus the Lord dealer with the affections. 3. there is wrought not only a love to the Lord, but a perfwafion that it is goodfor our fclves to ferve him in holineffe : Indeed many times,to fatisfie our affeCi- ons,we love a thing too much,thóugh we do not think V 3 our 293 SER. I Sanáificá tion,what. Selfe34ove~- is fan: ed.