Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

294 Haw San6i fication our felves gainers thereby, but in this matter the Lord peri wades us, that it is bet' for our felves to fandifie him in all things, to draw neere unto him, to fandifie his Name in our hearts; fo that now not only love to Chrift, but even felfe -love alto is fct on worke to the making us New Creatures; for the wayes of God are propounded as good and profitable, and pleating things, and when the heart lookeson them,it fees them as good for it felfe, fo that the heart turnes towards them (as it cannot but doe to every thing that it ap- prehends to be good and profitable to it.) So that when the Holy Ghoft fhall perfwade a man that it is belt for himfelfe, that he (hall belt provide for himfèlfe every way, by taking Ghrift,he cannot choofe but come in, when he (hall fee it is belt for him to goe to the Citie of refuge, that he cannot live elfe, and that if he comes there he (hall have life, and not only life, but a kingdome too, and that the way that leads there - to is grace and holinefle; he will goe, and goe fait en- ough. When a man is perfwaded, Chrift is the Citie of refuge, to whom I mutt goe, elfe I cannot be Cafe, and that the way to him is to be a New Gremire; this makes him to goe on, and willingly too, for iris out of felfe- love. 4 Againe, when a man is juftifled and hark taken Ingenuity Chrift, there is bred in him an holy Ingenuity which is wrought makes him fothankfull to Chrift, that he isj(hamed to joync Christ with any fin : As Rom.6. a r. What profit had ye in thofe things whereof ye are now afhamed; you are now afhamed to commit them any more. A man will thinke it now an unreafonablet h ing,that Chrift fhould doe fo much for him, be crucified for --- .... him