Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

are]eth from justification. him, and fo give him life, being before dead men, that he Mould take flefh for the remiflîon of his finncs, and that he, in recoinpence of this kindnefí'e, Mould ferve his !Lifts. Therefore he reafons, as Io /eph did with his Miftreffè ; Shall I doe this, andfo f nne againfi God; and my U 4afl er, he bath committedall to me ; he bath done thus for me, and 'hall I thus requite him r And as Na- than taught David to reafon, fiath the Lord made thee King over Iliad, and done thus and thus for thee, and wilt thou ferve him thus ti So that I fay there is a holy Ingenuity bred in us, whereby out of thankfulneffe we will (bun whatfoever may offend him. Befides this, we are taught that we fuffaine another perfon, and every man defires ro maintaine the dignity of the perfon he fuftaines. When a man is once in Chriff, he thinkes not the courfes he lived in before,to be futable to the condition he is nowin. Therefore the Apoflle reafons, r Pet. I. 14. Fa(hion your [elves no longer after the lints of your former Ignorance, but bee holy, as he is holy ; that is, if you take your felves to be in ChrifI, and that you be come unto God, admit not any more thofe lufts, which though they futed with our former (yet not with this condition) he reafons as Nehemiah did, Shall filch a man as I doe this ? Laftly, which is the chiefeft reafon of all, As Toone as a man bath taken Chrifi, and is juflified, there is a ftrong impreffion made upon his foule, by which he is caufed to cleave unto him, and to long after him,as the Iron doth after the Load ftone, that cannot be at reft untill it hath attained ir. A man (hall fer hitnfelfe in the wayes of God, though it were but to give fatisfaa on to the defires of his Soule. And indeed, were it. not V 4 fo, 29 ' s Noblen es of Spirit, 6 A t}rong iaclinati- on.