Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

296 How SanEification for this, we Mould not ferve the Lord; this makes us New Creatures : I fay, there is a ftrong inclination in every man that is juftified, that bee can doe no leffe than ferve the Lord even to fatisfie that. For example, when Eliah had called Eli/hah, hee could not choofe but follow him, all the reafons in the world could not keepe him backe : At the time when hee cart his mantle on him, there was an impreffion made on him ; as when Chrift faid to Levi, and Peter, and vindrew, and therefl,folIow me,their profits,and nets, and fathers were nothing, they needed no more perfwafion, for there was a fecret impreffion made up. on their hearts together with Chrifts Word, and to fa- tisfie that they mutt needs follow him. Such anima preffion as this, was made on the heart of Ruth to fol. low Naomi, you know how fhe put her toit, but Ruth would not goe backe for the loved her, and therefore nothing but death fhould feparate them. And the fame was in Iacob to Rachel, feven yeares, and feven yeares fervice, the length of time, and hardneffe of labour could not keepe him from his Vncles houfe, or drive him off, fuch a ftrong defire was planted in his heart towards her : and fuch a defire is planted in the heart of every Chriftian that is juflified, a thong inftinet(as I may call it) a ftrong affehlion after Iefus Chrift, and hee mutt needs goe on in the wayes of Sanaification, teeing there is no other way to fatisfie himfelfe. So that putting all this together, when a man (hall fee fuch reafon for holinefFe, when he (hall have affeáions of delight therein, of love thereto, when he Than fee it belt for him, and that it is impofiible he fhould have the L o m D leffo Chrifl (whom he fo much delres) if