Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

arifetb from luftification. if he ferve him not in the duties of Sanctification, h ce muff needs come to a fixed refolutiòn, I wil be another man, and runne another courfe, I will change my life altogether,I will ferve him in holincffe and in the duties of new obedience. And after this manner Both San. ctification arife from Iuftification r Firfl,from a work of the Spirit, and then by all thefe pafiäges that go tho- row the minde of'a man, which though they be not marked diflinaly, yet are truly in the heart. And fo much for the firft point. Now we will come to the fecond, which is, That lujli frcation and Sanlíification are inf parable, they cannot bedrfjoyned. But you will fay, this is a point that needs no pro - ving, I would (my brethren) it did not, I would that men were perfwaded of the truth of it,but we may fee by the lives of men that they are not perfwaded of ir, for their lives beloofe, and they thinke that if they can call on Chrift in the day of death,and cry for pardon,it it will bee enough, and that without tuch ftri&nef1ç a man may be laved. Thertore,to makeit cleare to you, you mull remem- ber this as a ground: no man can be faved by the fecond Adam, except he be borne of the fecond Adam: As no man could becondemn'd by the firfl Adam;that was not born of the firft Adam; for the reafon why all mens na- tures are corrupted,is becaufe all are borne of him. If a man were created, and did not defend by generation from him, he fhould be free from fin, and fo could not be condemned,but comming out of his loynes, puts us into a condition of condemnation : And fo on the other fide, except you be born of the fecond Adam, you that' not 297 SERM.I. D0ó.2. Sanaifica- tion and Iuftificati- on are in- feparable. Reaf I. None fa- ved by the fecond A- dam that are not borne of him. "'.