Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

289 Sane if cation and SEAM. I. Reaf. 2. It is the will of God. not be fáved; What is that r You mull be made New Creatures, ¡oh. I.I2. As many es received him he made the fens of God : What, is that a meere title ' No,V. a 3. They are born not of bload,nor of the will of thefiefh, nor of the will ofman,but of the mill of God;that is,they are born of the fecond Adam: and loh 3.5, whofoever is not born of the Spirit, 'hall not enter into the Kingdome of God. Now as our naturewas corrupted in the firft Adam, there being a corn pad and covenant between God and him,that if Adam flood, all his feed fhould Band with him ; but if he fell, then that all that were born of him fhould by vertue of that covenant, compa6, or agree- ment, have his fin imputed to them, and fo fhould be corrupted, as he was, and die the death. So there was a fecond Covenant between us and the fecond v1dam, which is the new Teflamcnt fpoken of in Ier. 31. and in Fieb.8. I will make a new Covenant, faith God : And what is that r I will pat my Law in your mink, and write it in your inwardparts : that is, by vertue of the com- pad and agreement, which is the New Teftament fol- lowing upon the former, all that (hail be faved by Chrift, (hall be born of him, they mutt be new men ; whofoever (hall be juflified by him, muff be a new Creature. Secondly, becaufe it is the will of God; It is true, God might have Paved us without it, if it had been his pleafure, it had been no more but calling men at the hourc of death; but it is otherwife, i Tbef4.3.This is the tvill of God, even your Sant`íification. And if there were no other reafon but Gods will, that thofe that be juflified (hall be fantlified, it is enough: God bath cal- led you to holine ; bee bath appointed it, he wils it,`