Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Iatlli ficatian in f parable. it, and his will is fufficient to enforce it. Againe,confiderwhenwe are ingrafted into Chrift, it is not fimply an ingrafting, but we are ingrafted into the fimilitude of his death and refitrre7ion , Ram.8. that is, no man is ingrafted into Chrift, but fin is crucified in him, he is dead thereto, that is, he is a dead man in regard of the life of fin, and is alive to God; as Chrift role from the dead, fo is he railed to newnefle of life. If it had been Pimple ingrafting into Chrift, there had needed no further relation,but we are ingrafted into the fimilitude of his death and refurreEtion. Againe, it was the end of the Lords comming ; If he had come only to fave men, there had been no need of being New Creatures, but he came alto to purii e unto himfelfe a peculiar people, zealous of good works, and to deft ray out of man the works of the divell, and to pur- chafeto himfelfe an holy generation, and royall Prieft -hood. Now whatfoever the Lords end is, he never failes of. Againe, you mutt confider, that to whomfoever Chrift is a Prielt, he is alfo to them a Prophet and a King, he is annointed to all thefe Offices: and therfore if you will be Paved by him, by the vertue of his Prieft_ hood, you mutt take him as a Prophet, that is, you muff rake his counfell in all things, and not onely fo,but he muft alto be your King; you muff not onely learn his way, but you mutt alto be perfeetly fubjed and obedient to him , to walk therein. Indeed as a Prieft he reconciles God unto us, but not us to God, except he come with his other two offices , for man (lands out and will not know the way ; and therefore as a Prophet, He is toguide our feet into the way of peace : and that is not all, therefore becaufe our hearts are ítubborn, 299 Reaf3. It is the end of our ingraft- ing into Chrift. Reaf.4. It is the end of Chaffs comming. Real. 5. Towhom Chrift is a Priei}, heisa Prophet and King.