Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

3 Sanaification and lufi ftcation infeparable. SeRM. T. flubborn, and will not come in, he exercifes his King- ly Office, and brings in fubjet-lionevery thought to rh o- bedience of hism'ill. All the Againe, look to all the means, as firfi to Faith, the tend this fame Faith that juflifieth, cloth alto purifie the heart; way. Faith' saving their hearts purified by faith, flli`s 14. And a many as are fanlá fed 6y faith that is in me, Acs 2 6.2 8. The bloud And likewife the bloud of Chrifl not one! covers °f Chi but alto healer, Hebr. 9;14. How much more ffiali the bloud of Chrift , who through his eternal/ Spirit offered himfelfe,purge your comiences from dead works, &c. It bath not onely vertue to take away the guilt of fin, but it is effec`fuall alfo to purge the confcience from the power of fin. The Gof- Againe, the Gofpeli we preach doth not onely offer pell . Chrifl,but likewife cleanfeth, Too are cleane through my word, lehn s. And in Pfal.-i 19, 9. Wherewith 'hall a young man cleanfi his way ? By taking heed thereto accor- ding to thy word. The Spi- The Spirit, as it is a Spirit of Adoption, fo is it of. ;tic. Santification, making clean the room where it dwel- leth, and making it a fit Temple for the Lord. Confi. Baptifme. der the Sacraments, Baptifme doth not onely wafh from the guilt of fin, but from the filth of fin alto, from the blot and deformity of fin. And fo I have yf 1. done with thefe two points, how Sandiffcation rifeth Pray that from Iuftification, and that they cannot be feparared. teeing 'God hati4 Before we proceed to other obfirvations, we will, = iwflified by way of Vfe, from the infeparabilicy of luflificati- us , he on and Santification, draw this confequent, that, if would at fo /anthey be infeparable, we fhould go to God and befeech t fie us, him, that having given us the firfl, that he would grant US