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arifetb from Ita ficátion. 30i us the fecond allo. If you have any affurance that SERM. T.' your fins are forgiven you, let him not deny you this, to makeyou Naw Creatures, they be in reparable, and Encou- therefore you have juft cau(e to pray him not to fiep t ragementr ra rate them, therefore you may claime them both as sfl ÿ'0r your due, teeing you have his promifc for both , and cation. you mutt urge him on his promi(ewe deliire Iufiiflcati r Gods promise on for our own fake; but Sanctification, that we may in t1fe glorifie God: and therefore, when you coma' to God I Covenant with this rcqueft, Lord make me a New Creature, that I may bring glory to thy Name that I may ierve thee, and do good in the place wherein I live, he will not deny thee. Confider but this very Sacrament which we are now going to receive ; you mutt know that the Sacrament leales the whole Covenant of God, as i Car.: r.. This is the new Telament in my biotld; that is, this Cup is a fine and leale of the New Covenant a The co- venant fealed in Oa.: Sacra- ment. L5 ope- which I have made with man, and which is confirmed ' red with my blood. Now what is that Covenant r You iball lee it in E Çk. 36. z6. and it con raines three parts, all which are fealed by this Sacrament. Firft,he pro - n4i;èth to waif] them from their filkhiecíf ,that is,from the guilt of their fins, which is the firft parr. Se- condly, A new heart will give you, and a nery Spirit 1 wi //put into you : that is, I will make you new Crea. cures, which is the fecond part of the Covenant. ii- irdly,I will call for the corn,and will increafi2 ir,and will lay no famine upon you, &c. that is, he will give all outward comforts, you (ball inherit the earth, and be heires of the world, and of all in the world,for the world is yours, r Cor.3. All and all in it is yours. This is the whole covenant of God , and this he leales Three parts of the Cove- nant.