Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

3oz, Encouragements to pray a SI:RM. I. ` fcales to every one of you, when you come to receive r.-. the Sacrament, . f you receive it worthily, for it is the new Teftament in his bloud. And thcfore feeing he feales it to you , that he will give you a new heart and a new Spirit, and make you new Creatures, you fhould go to him and claime it of him, for you may fue him of his own bond written and fealed, and he cannot deny it; therefore begge it, and you cannot mitre of it. What This is a very comfortable datrine, if it be well keeps off confidered. For what is that that keeps a man from from Cbrt f . comming to Chrift, but his difcouragements a He thinks it fo hard a thing to be a new Creature , that he cannot attaine it, that he cannot leave Inch a courfe of life, and therefore he ftands off, and though he will come in, yet he will not as yet, becaufe it is a bondage intolerable. 3. The But you' do not confider what it is to have a new Covenant nature: If it were to have a new life and an old heart,it confirmed wtthan were otherwife; but the Lord will give a new heart, oath pag. and if he will not deny you, but make you new Crea- 31° tures, you may be encouraged to go to him : If there be any rebellion in your heart, any untowardneffe in your nature; if you go to him for the removal' of it, it is impoflible he fhould deny you, having madeyou a lure promife, and confirmed it with an oath. What the Lord fweares to, he is lure toperform. In all the Book of God, you (hall not find that he fware unto the firft Covenant, but there is an oath put to both parts of the fecond,Heb. 6.13. Becaufe he could not fweare by a greater, he [ware by him felfe, that we might have firong confolation, and afJ"uranccof forgive_ nee