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for Sane` ifi'cation. 303 node of fns. And fo the fiat part is confirmed. j S11{.211. I. And for the fecond, Luke 1.73. The oath which he fware unto our fathers that he would give us ,that we being delivered from our enemies, fhould walk before him in ho- lineffe all the daies of our life. Why then will you not believe it Why will not you urge the Lord with this, and by prayer delre the accomplifhment of it e As indeed though he gives holinefl'e of life, yet you muff pray for it, as well as you muff pray for the forgive- ncflè of fins. It was Ananias his fpeech to Paul, Ac`ls z Z. 13. Rife Paul and waJh away thy finites, calling on the name of the Lord; though his fins were forgiven, yet he could not have affurance of it, without calling upon the name of the Lord. Chrift promifed to baptize us with the Holy Ghoíf and with fire; that is, tofanCtifie us in greater mea lure, yet we mutt call and call againe: So Lake I I. 5, 6, 7, 8. You muff knock as at a mans doore that is a- fleep with his children and loth to rife , but if you knock long, and weary the Lord out, and not {suffer him to reft,then he will give the Holy Ghoff. There- fore, have you prayed , and yet find not your felves new Creatures ? You have your Sold hearts , and old lofts prevailing; yet you mutt at length wa(h away your fins by calling on the name of. the Lord. And hereto you may be flirred by the Sacrament, 4,The end which is not onely to give affurance that your fins are wherenn- forgiven, but likewifè to draw more vertue from j to the Sa 1 crament is Christ, to make up the breaches of our hearts acsd ap poi:.ted to get more grace, and to be made new creatures in a greater meafure. So