Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

304 How SanEtpcation SERM.I. So that when a man comes hither, he muff confider wherein he is faulty, what breaches there are in his heart and life, what imperfelion there is in grace, and then he muff go to Chrift to repaire them. And as you bring more faith with you, fo you (hall carie more ftrength and comfort from the Sacrament. So that thus much I can affure you of, let any man come with a (Tong deft; a to receive Chriff, and to be a new Creature, and let him bring faith in the promifes of fametification, and it cannot be but he (hall be filled: The Lord will fend his Spirit into his heart, and make him anew Creature : Wherefoever God hath a mouth to (peak, Faith bath an care to heare, and an hand to Faithwor take : l'fcn forget this, they think that Faith is onely tech pro- occupied about promifes of pardon and forgivencffe the p mites of but it is not fo, you muf} fet your faith on work, on the áon` `hci promifes of lancctification , and when you come co re- ceive the Sacrament, you mutt know you come to a Table where you have fadings, where you have new wines. 1 And thus you muff feed on Chriff,not onely taking to your .elves the promifes of pardon, but Jikewife of fanEtification, that you may be filled with the Spirit, which is as wine to quicken you and to ftrengthen you in the inner man, as well as the outward elements of Bread and Wine ftrengthen thine outward man. So that thou maift not think thou reccivefi the Sa- crament as thou oughteff, when thou goat away as weak as when thou commeft,when there is no flrength, no vigour in the inner man. And fo in all thy daily fervices, when thou corn- meft to Chrift, thou mull eat the flefh of the Sonne of