Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

3 °S man , and drink his blóud , as the llfraelires did every SE R. I I. day feed on the ultannah. You mutt remember his Covenant, not onely to pardon, but to fandifie you , and then you fhall live thereby, and every day grow ftronger and ftronger. 14444 initini********* THa SECOND SERMON VPON THE NEVV CREATVRE. 2COR.s.I7. Therefore if a man bein Chrif let him bee a New Creature. He Woman of Canaan,though fhe had no countenance from Chrift, though he teemed not to heare her a Iong time, though he gave her croffe an- fwers, yet he commends her faith in an extraordinary manner at laft. She had never had that commendations,if !he had not been put tothat difficulty a little: therefore,when you pre& God, when you ftand it out, and are not difcouraged, in the end you ¡hall have it in a greater meafure, and it I will be a greater commendation of your faith. X And The Cue - cetTe that others have had by prayer.