Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

306 SER. Grace may be defired carnally. Encouragements to pray And fo it was with Iacob, if he had not wraflled as he did, he had never had that great reward which he had; he never had a greater reward for any thing that ever he did in his life, than for his contending with God, when God refuted (as it were) when he Now with him,when he would not do it,when he feemed to be ofa contrary mind ; yet when he held out, and did not give over till he had gotten it,he never got fo much at Gods hands. And fo I fay to every one of you ; ifyou find it an hard task to get this change, to be made new creatures, you pray and have fought, and yet you have not got. ten it yet be encouraged , doe it (fill , never give o. ver, you lhall have a greater meafure, as your prayers are tronger : for this you muff know, that when you makereyuerts io God, according to Gods will, that then it is the voice of hisSpirit; therefore when you defire to be made new Creatures,do you think it is poflible for God to deny you No, becaufe this defire comes from his Spirit. Now it is true, a man may delire to be made a new Creature, he may defire grace, and yet do it in a carnali manner, that is, he may delire it, be- caufe he fees that he cannot be faved without it,he may defire it as a thing of neceffity, that will make him fate and whole , as a thing, without which he hhall pe- rifh : Nature may go thus farre, but to defire to be made anew creature, out of the beauty and rafie of it, out of a defire to pleafe God, and to glorifie him, whole Name is called upon you,, out of a defire to pleafc the fpirit that dwels in you, this is proper to the Saints,it is the voice of the Spirit, and therefore go on boldly,God bath promifed to heare you,he cannot de nie you. St e