Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

for $anttifacation. See how Chrift did when he was upon the earth , thofe that were lame and blind, when they came and cried after him, and would not give him over, he did not refufe to heal every one; there was not a man that was importunate with him, but, howfoever his Difci- pies flighted them, Chrjyl refpated them. Now do but think with your felves; do you think he leffe pities the difeafes of the Soule,than the difeafes ofthe body? Do you think that he bath le(l'e compaffion now he is in heaven, than he had when he was on earth ? Or do you think that ills arme is fhortned, that he cannot do as much now to heale the running fores that are on thy foule, as he did on earth to heale bodily difeafes e My brethren, if you do but Peek to him , if you can get but a word from him, if he fay but to you, Be whole, if he do but rebuke thy finfull lufis, as he rebuked the feaver,they (hall prefently obey him : He that was able to calm the lea, and that hath the thong winds in his power, is he not able to diffolve a thong inordinate apprehenflon, a flrong lull, a firong unruly affeEtion, and fo fet them at liberty a Certainly he is able. You know, the woman that had fpent fo many yeares, and all that the had upon Phyfitians, and could do her felfe no good by all , yet when the conies to Chrifl once,you fee it was done in an ìnftant. So,I fay, a firong lull, an old loft, which is contrary to this new Creature, which it may be thou haft been contending with many yeares, and cannot get the victory over it; yet if thou canal come in this manner to him, and con- tend with him, and knock at the doore, and never give over till thou haft awaked him, certainly hee will give thee the Holy Ghoft, he will change and renew X 2 thy 307 Ss R,T 7, Chrift a- ble and willing to give San - ttificationt.