Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

/ag Encouracgements to pray SER. 11. 6. The great im- portance of it to us. thy heart, hee will fet thee at full libertie. This he bath confirmed with an oath, and whatfoe- ver God bath Iworn,he will perform it without all re- fervation ( where he is faid to do a thing without an oath, there may be a refervation left, therefore we ne- ver find an oath to the old Covenant) but he path fworn to perform the new Covenant, and you know this is a great part of the new Covenant, to give a new heart, to make a man a new Creature; therefore, where the new Covenant is made,there this is repeated in fer, 3 a. and 11e6. 8./ will make a covenant with my people, and what is that's wall put my Law into their minds ,and in their hearts will f write thern;that is,I will make them new Creatures. Therefore, I fay, this is a matter of much ufe to you, If you goc to Chrifl, and labour to have this done. My brethren, there is nothing left for us to be allured, nor any other experiment that we need have that there is another life, that Iefas Chrift bath done there great things for us, and that the Gofpell is true, I fay, there is nothing elfe left for us, no other experim ment in comparifon of this, that we fee we are made new Creatures : This is all the miracles that we have; nay , I dare be bold to fay more, It was the greareft miracle that they had in that time, when all the mira- cles were wrought. And therefore you (hall find that Paul gives this as the maine argument, among the ref}, That they jha11 he raafed againe at the lay day that they were in Chrift, that the Gof pelf is reali and true. For,faith he,we have received the Spirit We have had the Spirit which is t!ieearneft,the pledge,the annointing; you (hall find it every where scattered in his Epiftles, the receiving of