Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

for Sanaification. of the Spirit is the maine ground that he builds on, as in the 2 Cor.1.23. He bath eflabliflied us together with with you, and bath annointed us, and Pealed us, by giving the Spirit as an earnefl into our hearts: As if he fhould fay, this is the Argument we have, that he Mould be Paved; not, for all the miracles fo much as this , that we have received the Spirit ; for that it is the true an- nointing we feele it in our Pelves, that fealeth and con- firmed) us, we cannot doubt, having had experience of fuch a mighty work in us,that is, the earneft and the pledge we have; and therefore Eph. 1.19. He praycs that they might fee theexceeding greatnede of his power working in thole that believe ; as if that would be a great confirmation to them, if once they thould find an ex. periment of the greatneffe of his power And fo,Phil. 3.10. I Care not for all the world, on this condition, that I might know him, and the vertue of his ref rrel1ion, (that is) that I might know him by the power of his Spirit, changing my heart, killing my fins, railing me againe; and,in a word, making me a new Creature,that I might knowthis experiment ; I looke upon all the world as droffe and dung, as things not to be named. So, I fay,. Peeing there is nothing elfe left in comparifon of this, , and when miracles were wrought, there was nothing like this, that we might have this experiment in our felves, we;fhould go to God, and not give him over, itill the work be wrought in us,that we might be made new Creatures. That which keeps men off from religious courts, i for the molt part is difcouragement, they think they Shall not be able to go thorow ir,when they heare they mutt be made new men in all things,that there muff be X 3 nothing 309 Dircou- ragements, hinder from `reli- gion.