Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

3t0 Encouragements to pray sEaNt. T. nothing that is old left, but all the old leaven muti be purged our, it difcourageth men, becaufe they thinke they (hall never be able to reach ir, whereas this is an affuranceto thee, that if you go abour ìr, you (hall not faile of your purpofe, but you (hall certainly bring it to palle, bccaufe if you feeke it at Gods hands, he can- not deny you, only I told you, you mull pray. Why God Ir may be for this purpofe God will nor hcale thee aI- fulters together, but fuffer many tufts to grapple and tocon- lofts to re- mainein tend with thee, that thou mayeft be taught to doe this his all- duty : and therefore we fhould learne to goe to Chrift, dren, vtre mould feed on him every day, and by that meanes wefhall be renewed, we (hall get new ftrengch; other- wife what is the meaning of that, In this mount he will Eft. 21%6. make a feaff cf fined Wines, and offallings, of fat things opened. full of marrow, of Wines fined andpurified? Efay z 5.6. The meaning is this when you come to C H R I S T to renew your Communion and your Covenant with him, which is done through Faith and Prayer, you draw nearer to him, and that flrengthneth the foule, as ctannah flrengthned them in the wilderncflè,that you live by ir; for every day there growes newdiftanas betweene C H R I S T and us, we letgoe our hold, as it were,in force meafure,and begin to fall off from him a little; therefore, every day we fhould renue this Co- venanr,efpecially when we come to the Sacrament : As Ionathan and David, they renuedthe Covenant of God a gainethat was between them,as if there were anew So- lemnity of mariage, if it were often to be termed, to make the parties joyned more united : make no quefti- on of it, we Mould renue our match with Chrift, wee fhonid come neerer to him, that we may ftrengchen our