Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

for SanEtification. 311 our foules, becaute we recover our Communion with SERM. I. him. For what is Sanctification, but a drawing neare to the L o R D And then we draw neare when wee revue our Communion, and our Covenant with him, when the match is renewed between us; and if we doe fo,we (hall go from him every day,as men refrelhed at a banquer, like men that have fed on fat things full of marrow, as men full of Wine. re you filled, got with Eph. s.i s. WWine,wherein is exceffe,but with the Spirit : What is the opened. meaning of that Antithefis,bur to Phew that the Spirit is like Wine, it ftrengthens, and how receive we the Spi- rit ? Is there not the fame meanes ofrenuing of it from day to day a Is not the fame meanes of refining of ir, as there is of receiving of it at the firs} t' Didft not thou get it firft bygoingto Chrift,and (halt not thou (lilt re- gaine and repaire thy ftrength by that meanes e I can- not Rand to preffe this farther. Secondly, in that they are put together thus, Iuftifi- yf a, cation and Sanâification; hence we fhould be ftirred set sari- up to prize it, to fet it at the fame rate as we doe Remit- alICation as h oh in fion of finnes,becaufe we fee the Holy Ghoffdorh fo. our e eem, For feting this thing is promifed,feeing it is cholen out as Iuft among the great benefits we have by Chrif ,that we fhal `anon be renued, we fhould learne fo to judge of it,to fet it at an high rate, in our conceits, to conforme our judge- ment to the judgement of the Scriptures. Every man would be content to be laved, but to be made a blew Creature, men are fo farre from reckoning it a priviledge, that they reckon it a bondage : you would faine be free from Hell, you would faine goe to Heaven without fuch a neceffiry put upon you; this is the common fa(hion of men ; but mark , the Holy X 4 Ghofi