Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

;it Sanctification to be prized sER, ui: Ghoft puts this among the great benefits we have by Chrift. You know the comming of the otief it s, how it was magnified by the Iewes, what great things they fhould have when Chrift should come. What were thofe great things e One of the chiefe was , to make them new Creatures, to Pet them at liberty from their fpiriruall enemies , That they Jhould be taught of God,that they fhould have his Lary written in their hearts, and have their hearts circumcifed to love him, that they fhould have new hearts and new fpirirs given them ; this is that great benefit that hath been fo much magni. fled fo many yeares before the comming of Chrift. It is that which the v4poflles, when they Caine to preach the Gofpcll, fet out as fo great a priviledge; learn we to prize it, for certainly there is nothing in the world fo precious as grace, whereby we are made new Crew. tures. It is a true Paying, becaufe indeed there is no excellency that is Iike ir, if you would reEtifle your judgements, and teach them to apprehend things as they are ; therefore let us reafon with you a little for The ex- that old man, thofe lulls that you prize fo much, that ce icy you will not part with, that you cherifh and nourifh in nary crea.' your felves, and you are enemies to thofe that are ene- z.Above mies tothem, I fay, confider what you doe, this old old Lulls, man, is it not the fickneffe of the foule t' Is it not the filth and the foulenef e of the foule a Is it not the flavery and bondage of the foule r And the new man, is it not the contrary r Doth it not excell it e Therefore as much as health exceeds fickn, fïe,as much as cleanneffeexceeds impurity, fouines and filthinefï'e, as much as liberty exceeds flavery and bondage; fo much and more Both the new man excell the old man. Betides,