Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

much Iusiification. 3'3 Betides, if you looke to other things,. take all o SE R. IÌ. ther things which the world hath, all the profits, 2. Above all the pleafures , all the learning and knowledge all worid- whatfuever it is , that in the world is precious , yet IY excel - to be made a new Creature, goes beyond all,becauíe,in - lettc;es. deed,. it puts vouinto the fame condition that Adam had in innocency : you will fay, to be made like Adam againe, to be reftored to that happinefe,it is beyond all that the world can afford: Now to be made a new Crea- ture, it puts you into that eftate. But, you will fay, that is not fo, Adam was in Para - obje dife, he had outward contentments in abundance, but to bemade anew Creature is not fo. his trues there were twoconditíòns that Adam had; one was his outward condition, beingplaced in Para- Two con - dite, the other was his happineffe, to be a New Crea- lidons of ture : this was incomparably beyond the other, as we 4aam. ¡hall eafily make that plain to you. Put cafe there were a man that had faire Palaces , and Gardens and Grace the health of Orchards, and all things that his heart could delire to the foule. have, but all this while he hath not health ; would he regard this e On the other fide; fuppofe he had health, put him into a Cottage, if he have ftrength, would he not beare it well enough a That is our cafe. When Adam had all that, when he had loft Gods I- mage, when he had loft being a nery Creature, he was like a man that was fallen into a great facknefle, he was fallen into terrour and horrour of confcience , what 'good could all that doe A man that is out of Para . dite, that lives as we do among men, that hath Gods Image renewed on him(which he loft) that is, made a new Creature, he is happy, when Adam was wiferable. :het