Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

as much as Iußifîcation. 3'5 To this wee Anfwer: Ss R. I. Firít, that there is a fenfe of ir, though fpirituall,, grace bee a thing that is not expofed to the fenfes, yet there is as true and as quicke a fenfe, as there is of The new outward and corporals delights ; becaufe, when you life hath are made New Creatures, you have a new life, and cis Len_ that bath new fenfes in it It bath a tafte, hunger and thirft, it bath as quicke a fight, it bath every thing that the other bath 5 you know, the apprehen- fion of all the comforts wee have, is not that which Rands in the outward fenfts, that is not worthy the The ap- name,but the apprehenfion that the will and underftan_ Prebenn. ding bath of things; ; it is every mans minds that on makes g a Y happy or makes a man to live happy or miferable, that is, his miferable. apprehenfion of things, when thou liveft a new life, and thy apprehenfion is altered and changed , thou halt as quicke a fenfe of thofe fpirituall priviledges in C H n i s r, of peace of Confaience, of jay in the Ho. ly Ghofi<; of all the benefits that rife from his Paillon thou wilt have as quicke a fide, as ever thou hadfl of outward delights. Aga inc, if thou wouldeft have fuch a fenfe, let me 2 fay this to thee, the time is not yet come thou (halt The flare have it, and have it in aboundance, but as yet (as it is of Gods laid) We are thefonnes of God, but it appeares not what we children (ha be: It is true on both fides,thofe worldly min that t tuba, z brag fo much of their prefent fenfe that they have, and that others want, it appeares not yet whateither (hall' bee, but you are mingled together, and there is one common condition to all , becaufe this is the time of tryall. Marke the wife General], hie Both not like of a Souldier at the ficít, but when he hath tried him, and