Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

316 San dification to be pried SER° I I and hath Coffered both to run out their courfe, the vale. ant man , and thofe that are cowards; when their courfe is finifhed, and when the batten is done, that is the time of conferring of honours. The wife Matter doth not reward his fervants at the fit ft , but he lets them alone, the good fervant and the bad, till their time be out, till the time of their wages come, that is . the time when he makes the difference. So Both the Lord, for this time the batted is not to theirong, that is, men have not their reward here for the prefent time: Even as it is upon the Stage, but are let alone till they have ailed their part, there is no alteration , but when they come off from the Stage, that is the time when the one is commended, and the other is difcommen_ ded. So it is with the Sonnes of God, and the tonnes of men, God lets you both alone for the time, till you be gone off the Stage, that is the time that you tuft look for the difference ; therefore be not ptepofterous inyour expecation, be not difcouraged, becaufe you have not fuch outward contentments, becaufe you are not above, but below, for the prefent life, the time is not yet come; for God doth not yet rule the world,as he will do ; he hath, as it were,left the world to be ru- Iled by others, he hath left men to rule : now errour ° comes from the face of the Ruler, (as the Wife -man 1° faith) that is, there is that obliquity in the hearts of men, thofe that are in place of government generally, That Servants ride on horfe.back, and Princes and Prife- men got as Servants on foot. The reafon is,becaufe men rule the world ; For erreur (faith Salomon) is from the face of the Ruler. But now when God fha11 take all the i government into his own hands , when he fhall be abfolute 11111111MMI