Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

co much as Iuni fication. abfolute King in the exercice of his dominion, then he will let all firaight, and not before: then fervants (hall go on foot, and Princes and Wife- men fhall ride on Horfeaback; therefore expea not thou it yet, the time is not yet come that thou fhouldefl be on horte- back, thou muff be content to go on foot yet. And there. fore,though you have not the prefent fenfe, go on not - withflanding,hold out thy expeflation a while,though it appease not yet what thou (halt be, yet it will come when thou (halt have the lenfe of it in abundance. Thirdly and lay, though thou have it not fully, Though the time be deferred till the day of the decla- ration of thewrath of God on the one hand, and of his favour to the Saints on the other, yet by being ven' Creatures, you (hall have outward comforts in great a- bundance, you fhall not fare the worfe, but much the better for it; for the promifc is lure to thole that feare the Lord: To humility and the five of God, to them is promifedriches, and honour, and life . And God per - formes it in this life,though the full harvefl be kept for afterwards: though you have but the fiat fruits of the reward, as well as you have but the fist} fruits of the Spirit; yet, in this life, as you walk more perfe6lly with him, fo he will with you; and the le& you walk with him, the lefl'e he will walk with you, (that is) fuch an evenneffe you fhall find in the wayes of God to you, fuch a meafure of judgement and mercy, as there is evennefl'e or uncleannefï'e of your hearts , as there is fo much new, or fo much old. Let us labour to make our wayes more petted, and we (hall be more perfth in our outward eflate, we fhall be better in our wealth, 'J we fhall be blefl'ed better in our name thou flialt be more 3' 7 SER.SI, Me3 n fare not the Worfe in outward things for holineffe. Pro-a2.4o