Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

318 iuftification not to bee claimed sER. I I. more cheerefull in thy Spirit, thou (bait be blefíed in thy Wife and in thy Children, at thy going out, and at thy comming in, in every thing : fo that the prefènt wa- ges that you (hall have, fet afide that which is deferred for the future, it is exceeding large to the New Crea- ture; there is comfort enough in the thing, holineffe is reward enough to it felfe,ifyou (hould nave no more. If a man bee in flrength and health, what if you put him into a Cottage, what if hee be put into prifon Hee can beare it well enough : if there were no more but to be made a New Creature,it were enough to make your hearts to defire that condition, but befides that, it brings outward comforts in abundance; or, if you have not abundance, it will make a little inftead toyou of a great deale. So much for this, becaufe I have other things to de- liver. yf Thirdly, are they infeparable p Then take heed Take heed of challenging the one without the other; doe not of chal- th inke that you are in Chrift, if you finde not the New lunging Creature : And this Do(rine is of much moment, for Tuílificatio , on with- this is that, that we fhall all be tried by at the lait day, out San- and it is that peremptory Sentence that can never be re- lification. voked,becaufe it is the Sentence of the Gofpell, therfore you mutt know this, that all the judgements that are pronounced in the Gofpell, they are without all refer - vation, there is no more revoking of them, therefore Paul faith, Rom. z. z 6. Hee fliall judge the fecrets of mens hearts according to my Gofpell: So that you muff know that the Gofpellhath a judgement, and a terrible Iudgment judgement as well as the Law. (There is a judging by of the the Law, that is ) men that shave lived without the Gofpell. knowing