Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Toithcut .éu.Fti fication. knowing of Chrift, they shall be judged by the Law, but when we come to Chrift, to live under the Gof- pell, (as we all do) we (hall be judged by the Gofpell; What is that Thofe that receive not Chrift fhall be damned: that is one part of the Gofpell you know; therefore you fee that there is a judgement there; He that beleeves fball befaved,but he that beleeves not fhal be damned. Wel,as it is true concerningthe point of Iutti- fication,he that beleeves not and takes not Chrift,fhall be damned for it : So it is as true in the point of SanEti- fication,he that is not a New Creature ,he that is not borne again,he Jhall not enter into the kingdome God,toh.3.3. There is a peremptory judgement : therefore confider with thy felfe, when thou commeft to dye, what thou wilt fay then, Satan will then come and lay thy fins to thy charge, thou mull then thinke what thou hallo anfwer, thou haft nothing to fay but I am in Chrift well, but how doll thou prove that, he will aske thee that queftion, Art thou a New Creature ? If thou doe finde that thou art not a New Creature, thou art not in C H R I S T and thou needeft not a new condemna- tion, but thou art condemned already. For Chrift found all the world in a Rate of condemnation, and if thou be not in him, thou art in the fame eftate : and therefore if thou fhould but heatethee: words, if we fhould bee filent, and fhould but reade thefe words, Whofoever is in Chrift, let him be a New Creature : it may make a man tremble,and look about him, and confider his eftate,and takeheed of dif=joyning thefe things that the Lord path joyned tog,. ther : if being in Chrift, and being a New Creature be infeparable,thinke not that thou canit take Chrift divided,that thou canit take him ,halfe. 319