Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

,.3to lu flifìcation not to bee claimed sER. I I halfe and leave the other part,that thou cant} ear k him ---- as a Saviour,and not take him as a Prophet,and a King; thinke not to have Iuffification, and to want Sandifi_ cation : and therefore, you fee, when the Golpell was preached,this was the maine thing that was urged, U Park. 6.13. when the feventy were fent out (faith the Text) this was their preaching, it fets downe the Cumme, that men fhould amend theirlives. When Chrift himfelfe was to preach, anal. 4.17. this was the fumme of his Dottrine, vlmend your lives, for the Kingdome of Heaven is at hand. Paul, when he would tell them what was the fumme of his preaching, Alls 2 0. 2 r . faith he, Wegoe about preaching, witneffing to awes and Grecians repentance towards God, and faith to- wards chrii. So that this Repentance that makes a man a New creature, it was puffed as a thing of abfo- lute neceffity, as well as the taking of Chrift. You know, when lohn Baptifl came, what he called for, Fruits worthy of amendment of life. Deceive not your (elves, apply not the promifes of the Gofpell, except you finde this Symptome of being in Chrift,that you are made New Creatures. qh Difference This diLlinguifheth betweene a Temporary belee- &, between ver, and another; both goe thus farre, both have r y, and infirion into the Root,but the Temporary beleever true belee. partakes not of the, fatue e of the Root, he receives not ver. life from theRoot : It may be thou haft taken Chrift in thy fenfe, but haft thou tatted of the fatnetl°e of the Root, haft thou drawne life from him, arc thou made a New Creature, as a graft that is put into a new ftocke: when we are engrafted into Chrift, there is an itverfi- on of the order, there the ftocke changeth the graft; in Mat.-3.