Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Without SanEiification. in the other, the graft changeth the flocke into its Na- ture. Againe, when thou takeft Chrift without this, it is as putting Clones one upon another,when there is no- thing to cement them, and to glew them together . whofoever is in Chrift, is built upon him, as upon the corner -none ; now an Hypocrite may be built on him, as well as a true profeffour ; but here is the difference, they are living ftones,their Nature is altred,they differ as much from themfelves what they were before,as li- ving things differ from dead Hones; Loir may be thou haft had an adhefion to the body of Chrift, thou haft fiucke to ir, as it were but, if thou be atrue member, then thou art knit to it by ligaments and finewes, thou haft communion with the head, there is an influence of bloud and fpirits into thee : therf ore confider that with thy felfe; it may be, thou liven in the Church, and art fuch a member of ir,as a glafl'e -eye is of the body : but haft thou communion with the head, art thou made a New Creature by being in Chrift r Is thy heart chan- ged and fantified by being in him a If it be fo; then conclude, thou art in Chrift For, if ammo be in Chrift, he ís a New Creature. Examine thy felfe in this, deceive not thy felfe, to whomfoever he is made Righteossrnefe, bee is made Sanailcation. It isimpoffible they fhould be dif- joyned, (as I told you in the morning,) his bloud bath not onely a vertue to cleanfe thee from he guilt of thy finnes ; but a dower to purge thy confci- ence from dead works ,to ferve the living Lord,Heh.9. a 4. And wherefoever it is a placr to cover thy fins, it loth likewife beale and cure them : therefore thinke not that thou art in Chrift, except thou finde this to be thy condition. Y Yea, 321 SEeM.II,