Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

32,2 SER. II. Rn(rv. Suces of a New Creature. I A Serrfe o it Signes of a New Creature. Yea, but you will fay,Is there fuch a condition in the world r Who is it that finds himfelfe fuch a New Crea- ture? This I find, that my old luas returne,the fame in- clinations I had, I find them í1i11, and this experiment of being all new, that all old things are paff'ed away, I have not yet had ; what fnall we lay to this t We will anf'wer it very briefly ; Though thou haft it not already, yet thou muff not be difcouraged, thou mutt not fay, there is nothing done, becaulè all is not done: for motions are denomi- nated from the tames they tend to, not from that they are already : when a thing is alittle white, though it be not perfedly white,we fay,it is white: when the Lord begins new q !alities, if it be in fincerity,it is properly laid to be a New Creature, for in time it will corne to that, that will be the iffue of it: therefore that which (lands you in hand, is to confider whether you be fo or no ; for indeed it is a difficult thing to difcerne, and ncedfull for you to confider it: therefore I will briefly thew you how you (hall difcerne it. Firlt, you mull know you (hall have a prefenr senfe of ir, you fhall fete it in your felves, you thail know that fuch a change is wrought in you : for this is the diffirence betweene the Soule of a Mani, and the foule of a Beaft; a Beaft cannot returne upon his action, to know whether hee have done fuch a thing or no, but the foule of a Man is able to doe it, it is capable of re fled ads, as we fay, it can recoile and returne upon it felfe, and can confider what is done with it : therefore examine thy felfe by this,thou mayeft know, whether fuch a change bee wrought in thy heart or no. See it in other things, thou canal tell