Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Signes of a New Creature. tell what thou delighteft in, thou cane tell what thine l inclination is; for a mans inclination is of a quick fenfe, it puts him forward, it carries him to that which Ihee delires : therefore thou mayeft fee the fcope of this, thou mayeft deceive another, thou canft not de- ceiv,: thineowneheart,efpecially in judging this, whe- ther thou bee a Nery Creature. If thou judge ftri6ily of thy felfe, if thou have a right rule to examine it by, the prefent fence of it may be an affurance that thou art made a New Creature : for to be a New Creature is no- thing clip, but to be turned up-fide downe,when a man changeth his courfe (as it were, from Eaft to Well) when he fayles toa quite contrary point of the Corn. pafífe, when the Rudder of his life isturned: therefore Paul faith, he came to preach,7o turne Men from darke- n( L to light,from the power of Satan to Cod : Therefore there is a contrary courfe,it is a turning, it is rrue,if the New Creature were but a buckling,bur a bowing of the courfe, it would bee hardly difcerned, but when it is from contrary to contrary,fuch a thing is eafily found. I know fuch a thing as I hated,now I love ir,I know fuck a duty that was tedious,now it is delightfull; f uch a thing I could not do,now 1 can perform it; gee rho - row all the parts of thy life, thou mayeft have a prefent fen( -. Wonder not at this Dotrine, for Wit were not thug, no man could have afFurance at the firft converfion or his heart to God, if it were not that you might judge your felves by a prefent fence you have, by that altera- tion, by that r( flc61 aft of the foule; for when I fay fenfe, I meane that inclination of thyfoule; If wce could not judge our felves by that, no man at his firít Y z comming 3'3 SER.