Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

T3 24 Signes of a New Creature. SERM.IJ, comming to Chrift could judge of himfelfe,till he had Men ma flayed tome time; and then at what time (ball we let li- know y mits,fhall we ftay at a day,ora week or at a moneth,or their tyre at their a yeare,or fevers yeares: therfore a man may have affu- firfi eon_ ranee from the inclination of his foule, that there is a vcre change in him, or clfe v Ihould never be able to com- fort men in an exigent : For, except they had had try- all, except they had a long time to live, except they might come to converfe,and be put upon it by tempta- tion and tryall, no man could comfort himfelfe : ther- fore that is one thing to try ir,, you (hail finde a change wroughr,you (hall find the inclination ofthe Soule tur- ned another way : Goe thorow all the particulars_iook thorow the whole re6iitude of the Image of God, ex- prefted in all the graces of that.whole line, and looke to your heart what it was before, and thou (halt finde 2 The Vni- verfality of it. in every thing an alteration, that is one thing to judge it by. 21Y. you (hall judge fomething by the univerfality of it ; Whofoever is in ChriTt is a Nov Creature : The mea- ning is not, that the fubflance of a man is changed, but the order and frame of his foule is altred, there are the fame firings, as it were, but there is a new tune put to them; there is the fame foule, the fame faculties, but there is a new order there. Mark, as it is in all things that confift in order,there you muff have the whole,or none at all, the harmony that bath not every firing fet aright, in Tome meafure, it is no harmony, but the har- mony is diffolved. Beauty that confifts in a conformity of all the parrs,except there be a concurrence of all,the beauty is diffolved, it is nothing; fo in all things elfe therefore confider with thy (elfe, art thou made all new e