Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Signes of a New Creature. 325 stew r For thou muff know that God works not by SE halves; no man ever had an heart halfe new.and old ; in the worke of Redemption and Re- creating, and re- ` pairing of mankinde, there is not a work of the Lord but it is perfet. It is true, it is not ripe yet, there is a time for the maturity of it, it (hall grow to full rip;nefle; but yet the L oR D lookes on it, and it muft bee very good, that is, there mull bee all of it : therfore confider with thy felfe, Art thou all new t Is there not fome exempted place in thy heart and life that is yet old, as old as it was a If there be, certainly t thou art not yet made a New Creature. Take/lido for example, you Thall finde this, he had old Rill, his covetoufnefle yet remained in him, that was not renued: thence it was, that in the Paffeover, there was fuch a (trait-charge, that all the leaven fhould be purged out; you fee how it is repeated, not a jot of leaven (hall be left. So faith the Apoftle, all muft be new and unleavened, becaufe Chriji Bur Paffiover is effe- = c,r:5,7 redfor ssr. But the naturali man will fay, this is impoifible ; for o hi ea then we (hall have no fin e My brethren that is not themeaning of it, the mea- ,,grw, ning is, that thou muft be purged from all the old lea- striving ven, that is, thou mutt allownone, thou muft strive a- again{ aii gainft all, thou mutt hate all, thou mutt doe thy belt to czne, cleanfe it out,and not fuller any to be therewillingly,as to take poffeffion in thy heart;it may be there as a theefe, (as it were,as a Creeper in) but otherwife it is not to be there : therefore confider that, Let them looke to this that thinke ftoppage is payment, that take liberty in force things, and thinke to recompence it by a more Y 3 ftri&